catching my breath

Every day is the same; I wake up alone, he leaves without saying goodbye only to come home to silence until it's time to put the day behind me, he takes his pillow to the couch.  My eyes open and it starts all over again.

I married a man who at one time wrapped me in romance and now he looks at me as filth, burdensome and a noise to be silenced. I'm only a shell of the woman he met three years ago and I often hope I don't wake up to see the sun.

Our courtship was brief. I want to our or move away before initiating the divorce process and yet I fear the cascading stress if I try to take my things and leave without notice.

I need support and an ear to listen.  My friends and family are 3000+ miles away and I don't know who to talk to, what is too much to share.  So I remain silent, waiting for something to happen so I can leave.

If you read this, please let me know I'm not alone.
